Our Classes
Private, corporate, and self-defence classes are also available, please call or email for further information.
Class Schedule
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:15pm-6:00pm Young Tigers 4-7 year olds Jan 7 - Mar 11 (taught by Ron Porath)
6:15pm-7:15pm New students and white - green belt (seniors invited)
7:15pm-8:15pm Intermediate & advance(Purple-black belt)
Saturdays - September to June only
1:00pm-2:30pm all ages and levels
Typical Classes
A typical class involves kihon (basic techniques and combinations practice), kata (a pattern of techniques with application based on self-defense), and kumite (partner work, organized in stages based on one’s ability).
Classes are usually high cardio and include flexibility and strength training. Techniques are taught with application in mind, then the application is practiced with a partner to develop muscle memory and quick reaction timing.
Class Variety
Classes change focus based on lesson plans, participants, and upcoming events such as seminars, grading for belt levels, and tournaments.
September to December (4 months)
Fourth family member will be free and the family will be charged for family of 3.
Single month $80 - Drop in $15 per class - Annual fee $50
January - March or April -June (3 months)
Fourth family member will be free and the family will be charged for family of 3.
July to August (2 months)
Fourth family member will be free and the family will be charged for family of 3.
GST included in price. Seminar, tournament and annual fees are not included in class fees.
New students can try 2 free classes prior to signing up. This free trial does not include Young Tigers.
There are no classes on general holidays or long weekends.